The Food Network needs your help

In 2022, the cost of living and food prices are rising. After generous donations from the public in December 2021 in the run up to the festive season, the Food Network raised almost £10,000 to feed Hackney residents.

But the Food Network needs your support to reach and feed all of those in need for the remainder of winter, with an aim to raise £50,000.

Local families are struggling to put food on the table, the Food Network urgently needs your support.

Please donate as much or as little as you can here:

You can read more about Hackney’s Food Network here:

It’s good to be back – youth club update

The Huddleston Centre reopened for face-to-face activities in April 2021, and our activities continue to remain open subject to Government guidelines.

Here’s an outline of what we currently offer:

Tuesday ‘Cool Gang Club’, for ages 9-16 years, 6pm-8:30pm

Friday ‘Social Club’, for ages 17-25 years, 6:30pm-9pm

Our young people are what make the centre great, and members are key in planning and discussing ideas for the activities that they’d like to do. Our members have taken part in many activities from yoga and exercise, to movie nights, travel training, wax melts, cyber safety, quizzes, parties and much more!

Our sports activities for high need users are all about inclusive exercise. These weekly sessions are tailored to suit the individual members’ needs – all the sound of some uplifting music. The session includes a pick-up and drop-off service.

Wednesdays Access Project, for high needs users ages 9-17 years, 3:30pm-7:30pm, exercise & fitness sessions.

Short Breaks

The Huddleston Centre is a registered Short Breaks provider in Hackney.

Short Breaks operates during the school holidays and allows disabled young people to have an enjoyable break from their main carer and give their carer respite from their responsibilities.

The Centre provides support workers, a pick-up and drop-off service and specialist equipment to enable young people participate in Short Breaks.

For more information on any of the above, contact the centre on 020 8985 9089 or email

members cycling lee valley velodrome

It’s good to talk…

Young Person’s Voice

Here at The Huddleston Centre we recognise the importance of young disabled people finding and using their voices. Everyone has something to say! We are running a project which focusses on hearing what young people have to say about the healthcare system in City and Hackney.  We want to hear about your experiences of healthcare. What it was like to be diagnosed with a disability. how does it feel to live with a disability? It’s good to talk.

Contact anjie on to chat!



Days out and about!

Great days out together!

We have had some amazing days out together! We have been to an exercise park, we have been to Hainault Forest Park and Farm. We have also been walking, cycling, playing crazy golf and to the cinema! One of our trips was to The Museum of London…we had great fun! Have a look at some of our photos below…you can tell we had a great time!






What an amazing summer!!


HACKNEY VILLAGE 2019 (LIMITLESS):Our summer was exciting!!! We enjoyed HACKNEY VILLAGE 2019 (renamed Limitless) for the fourth year at Hackney Empire. Our Theatre programme for young disabled performers was a week of having fun with creative performances, drama, choreography, singing, dancing, art, crafts and design. The theme for the week was ‘My Perfect World’ we looked at issues around social change, wellbeing, recycling, looking after ourselves and our world. We must use our xx and voices to make a change for a better world for us all.





‘What it was like getting a diagnosis for my child’

Parent Support group April

What was your experience of getting a clinical diagnosis for your child, come and share your stories and enjoy meeting other parents who have gone through similar experiences

Date: 25th April 2018

Time: 11am until 1pm
Venue: The Huddleston Centre. 30 Powell Road, London, E5 8DJ

Refreshments provided.

Parent Group April 2018

Our Easter break activities…

We’ve had an amazing Easter break here at The Huddleston Centre… We visited a couple of city farms, we went cycling in the Olympic Park at The Velodrome, we played crazy golf, we did lots of arts and crafts and also decorated biscuits! So much to do…


We had to find all the animals in the farm…


There were pigs! Very smelly….

Cycling was fun…we tried lots of different types of bikes.

We watched the athletes training in The Velodrome.

A bit of fun at the park…the rain doesn’t stop us having fun!

We played lots of crazy golf… it didn’t matter if we got a hole in one or a hole in fifty!

We decorated our own biscuits…messy and sticky, but very tasty!

We made Easter bunnies…

Stressed? For parents of disabled young people.

Come and find out some fabulous techniques to help you out…

CDF Parents/Carers Support Forum 2020/21

Join us to discuss how the covid-19 pandemic has impacted you and your families. We want to hear of your challenges, experiences, issues of concerns and anything of interests worth sharing with your peers. Come and share your stories and enjoy meeting other parents going through similar experiences.

Dates Available : January, February and March

Time: 11am until 1pm

Venue: Online (Google Meet)


Please email or phone for further details:

Phone: 020 8985 9089


‘Parent Voices’ Your voice matters…

Dear parents…

Dear parents…

Do you want to have a say in healthcare services that are provided for you in the borough? We are collating your stories to get your voices heard. ‘Parent Voices’ is a report that is given directly to those who fund your healthcare services. If you would like to tell us your story about raising a child with disability in City & Hackney, contact

Stories start from diagnosis… through to the present day. What was/is your experience? If you have had a good service we want to know, if a terrible experience we want to hear that too! You will remain anonymous.

Caring for a disabled child/young person can be challenging. Even the most experienced parents and/or carers will sometimes need someone to hear about the difficulties they are facing on a daily basis. By working with families, disabled children/young people in this way, issues can be prevented from escalating as services are adapted to the needs of the families,

You dictate the level of contact to suit you. It’s all about what works for your individual family. Our reports and recommendations to the Clinical Commissioning Board can then offer long-term opportunities for parents to feedback.Your participation and Parent/Carer Support Forums leads to better outcomes for disabled young people and their families.